An Evening at the Candlelight

Uncovering the last remaining jazz and blues club in the city, An Evening at the Candlelight  delves into the past, present and future that is the Candlelight Lounge, located at 24 Passaic St, Trenton.  Input from E.C. Bradley, the current owner of The Candlelight, shines light on the transformation that this venue has undergone and the positive impact that still remains towards the greater Trenton community.   Richie Cole, a Trenton-born jazz musician and saxophonist, is the voice that speaks on the jazz scene that is still present within the city.  While our interview from Mrs. Betty Lacy, curator of local African American history, touches on the cultural significance that jazz and blues brought about in her own home city of Trenton. In this comprehensive podcast episode the history, culture and lasting impact of the Candlelight Lounge is explored.


Front entrance to the Candlelight Lounge, adorned with string lights that illuminate the building at night.


View of the Raritan canal that sits across the street from the Candlelight Lounge. Decorating the guardrails to the canal,  metal letters painted in a variety of colors spell out “Passaic St”.


Found on the front wall of The Candlelight are signs outlining the venues weekly events. Displaying “Live Jazz Every Saturday” lasting from 3:00-7:00 pm.


More content on the Trenton blues and jazz scene and on the Candlelight Lounge can be found in the links below.

Richie Cole on Jazz

Tom Littwin

Walking into the Candlelight Lounge

The Lasting Trenton Jazz Club-The Candlelight Lounge


Creators of An Evening at the Candlelight  include Eric Entwistle, Keith Glidewell,  Joanna Lee, Thomas Littwin, Keith Mellea, Emily Solinski and George Tatoris.

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